Gift Cards Talons


Handles the logic for a component that renders a list of gift cards. It performs effects and returns the prop data necessary for rendering the component. This talon performs the following effects: - Fetch the currently applied gift cards for a cart - Manage the updating state of the cart while a gift card is being applied or removed
Provide logic for a single gift card component.


GiftCardsMutations : Object
GraphQL mutations for Gift Cards.
GiftCardsQueries : Object
GraphQL queries for Gift Cards.
GiftCardsTalonProps : Object
Props data to use when rendering a list of gift cards.
GiftCardTalonProps : Object
Props data to use when rendering a single gift card component.

Handles the logic for a component that renders a list of gift cards. It performs effects and returns the prop data necessary for rendering the component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Fetch the currently applied gift cards for a cart
  • Manage the updating state of the cart while a gift card is being applied or removed

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.setIsCartUpdating function Callback function for setting the update state for the cart.
props.mutations GiftCardsMutations GraphQL mutations for Gift Cards
props.queries GiftCardsQueries GraphQL queries for Gift Cards

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useGiftCards } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/GiftCards'

Provide logic for a single gift card component.

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.code String Gift card’s code
props.removeGiftCard function A function that removes a gift card when provided a code

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useGiftCard } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/GiftCards/useGiftCard';

GraphQL mutations for Gift Cards.

See: for queries used in Venia

Name Type Description
applyGiftCardMutation GraphQLAST The mutation used to apply a gift card to the cart.
removeGiftCardMutation GraphQLAST The mutation used to remove a gift card from the cart.

GraphQL queries for Gift Cards.

See: for queries used in Venia

Name Type Description
getAppliedGiftCardsQuery GraphQLAST The query used to get the gift cards currently applied to the cart.
getGiftCardBalanceQuery GraphQLAST The query used to get the gift cards currently applied to the cart.

Props data to use when rendering a list of gift cards.


Name Type Description
applyGiftCard function A callback to apply a gift card to the cart.
checkBalanceData Object The giftCardAccount object of the most recent successful check balance GraphQL query.
checkGiftCardBalance function A callback to check the balance of a gift card.
errorLoadingGiftCards boolean Whether there was an error loading the cart’s gift cards.
errorApplyingCard boolean Whether there was an error applying the gift card.
errorCheckingBalance boolean Whether there was an error checking the balance of the gift card.
errorRemovingCard boolean Whether there was an error removing the gift card.
giftCardsData Array The applied_gift_cards object of the cart query.
isLoadingGiftCards boolean Whether the cart’s gift card data is loading.
isApplyingCard boolean Whether the apply gift card operation is in progress.
isCheckingBalance boolean Whether the check gift card balance operation is in progress.
isRemovingCard boolean Whether the remove gift card operation is in progress.
removeGiftCard function A callback to remove a gift card from the cart.
shouldDisplayCardBalance boolean Whether to display the gift card balance to the user
shouldDisplayCardError boolean Whether to display an error message under the card input field.

Props data to use when rendering a single gift card component.


Name Type Description
removeGiftCardWithCode function Function for removing a gift card associated with the code passed into this talon.

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/GiftCards/useGiftCards.js



import React from 'react'
import { useGiftCards } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/GiftCards'
import {
} from './myGiftCardQueries';

const MyGiftCards = props => {

 const talonProps = useGiftCards({
     setIsCartUpdating: props.setIsCartUpdating,
     mutations: {
         applyCardMutation: APPLY_GIFT_CARD_MUTATION,
         removeCardMutation: REMOVE_GIFT_CARD_MUTATION
     queries: {
         appliedCardsQuery: GET_CART_GIFT_CARDS_QUERY,
         cardBalanceQuery: GET_GIFT_CARD_BALANCE_QUERY

 const propsFromTalon = useGiftCards(talonProps)

 const {
 } = propsFromTalon;

 return (
     // JSX using the props from the talon

export default MyGiftCards


import React from 'react'
import { useGiftCard } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/GiftCards/useGiftCard';

const MyGiftCard = props => {
    const { code } = props;

    const removeGiftCard = code => {
        // Logic for removing a gift card using its code
        // This can also be passed in as a prop

    const { removeGiftCardWithCode } = useGiftCard({

    return (
        // JSX for rendering a single Gift Card using data from the talon

export default MyGiftCard