Price Summary Talons


This talon contains logic for a price summary component. It performs effects and returns prop data for rendering the component. This talon performs the following effects: - Log a GraphQL error if it occurs when getting the price summary


FlattenedData : Object
Query data flattened into a simple object.
PriceSummaryQueries : Object
GraphQL queries for price summary component.
PriceSummaryTalonProps : Object
Props used for rendering a price summary component.

This talon contains logic for a price summary component. It performs effects and returns prop data for rendering the component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Log a GraphQL error if it occurs when getting the price summary

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.queries PriceSummaryQueries GraphQL queries for a price summary component.

Example (Importing into your project)

import { usePriceSummary } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceSummary/usePriceSummary';

Query data flattened into a simple object.


Name Type Description
subtotal String Cart subtotal (excluding tax)
total String Cart grand total
discounts Array.<Object> Discounts applied to the cart
giftCards Array.<Object> Gift cards applied to the cart
taxes Array.<Object> Taxes applied to the cart
shipping Array.<Object> Shipping addresses associated with this cart

GraphQL queries for price summary component.

See: priceSummary.js for the queries used in Venia.

Name Type Description
getPriceSummary GraphQLAST Query to get the price summary for a cart

Props used for rendering a price summary component.


Name Type Description
handleProceedToCheckout function Callback function which navigates the browser to the checkout
hasError boolean True if a GraphQL query returns an error. False otherwise.
hasItems boolean True if the cart has any items. False otherwise.
isLoading boolean True while the GraphQL query is still in flight. False otherwise.
flatData FlattenedData Query data that has been flattened into a simple object

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceSummary/usePriceSummary.js



import React from 'react'
import { usePriceSummary } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceSummary/usePriceSummary';

import { GET_PRICE_SUMMARY } from './myPriceSummary.gql';

const MyPriceSummary = props => {
    const { isUpdating } = props;

    const talonProps = usePriceSummary({
        queries: {
            getPriceSummary: GET_PRICE_SUMMARY

    const {
    } = talonProps;

    if (hasError) {
        return (
                Something went wrong. Please refresh and try again.
    } else if (!hasItems || isLoading) {
        return null;

    const { subtotal, total, discounts, giftCards, taxes, shipping } = flatData;

    return (
        // JSX that renders a price summary component using data from the talon

export default MyPriceSummary