
This topic is subject to change as the progress of Magento 2.3 GraphQL coverage continues to expand.

The checkout process is an important piece of any online store. It can be as simple as a single click or as complicated as filling out a series of forms to complete a purchase.

The goal of this topic is to describe the end-to-end checkout implementation in Venia to learn from and build upon in your own projects.

A note about using Magento REST endpoints

GraphQL is a significant improvement over REST when working with asynchronous data requests. In its current state, Magento 2.3 GraphQL coverage only includes a limited subset of catalog operations, so the checkout flow described in this topic uses the REST API to complete the process.

For a list of Magento REST endpoints, see the REST API documentation in devdocs.

Shopper experience

Familiarize yourself with the user experience surrounding the checkout process to provide context for the technical steps that happen in the background.

The following steps summarize the basic checkout experience for a Venia shopper:

  1. The shopper navigates to a product page.
  2. The shopper adds an item to the cart using the Add to Cart button.
  3. The shopping cart drawer slides in response and shows the product in the shopping cart.
  4. The shopper clicks on the Checkout button.
  5. The Shipping and Billing summary page appears with the following items:

    • Ship To - Click to display a form for setting the shipping address.
    • Pay With - Click to display a form that allows the shopper to select the payment method and billing address.
    • Get It By - Click to display a form that allows the shopper to select the shipping method.
    • TOTAL - Shows the shopping cart total.
  6. The shopper fills out the forms and clicks on the Place Order button.
  7. A confirmation page appears with buttons that lets the shopper Continue Shopping or Create an Account.

Detailed technical flow

The following sections provide the technical details for each step in the checkout flow for a guest customer. Authenticated (signed in) customers follow the same steps but may call different endpoints.

Updating the cart

  1. When the shopper clicks on the Add To Cart button, the application passes the shopper-specified product configuration to the addItemToCart() function.
  2. Before the addItemToCart() function can add the product to the cart, it first checks the local storage for an existing cart ID.

    If an existing cart ID does not exist, it calls the createCart() function. This function creates a POST request to the /V1/guest-carts REST endpoint to get a cart ID to store in the local storage.

    After a cart ID is found, the addItemToCart function uses the product information passed in by the application to update the cart. The cart is updated on the server side using a POST request to the V1/guest-carts/<cartID>/items REST endpoint.

  3. After the server update completes, the function dispatches toggleDrawer() and getCartDetails().

    The toggleDrawer() function is a general app action that toggles a named drawer. In this case, the ‘cart’ drawer is toggled to appear after adding an item.

    The getCartDetails() function retrieves cart data from the local cache or server to update the items displayed in the shopping cart drawer. This functions uses fetchCartPart() to call the V1/guest-carts/<cartId> and V1/guest-carts/<cartId>/totals REST endpoints to fetch and cache the cart details stored on the server.

REST Endpoint Usage
guest-carts Get information about or create and store a new cart ID on the server
guest-carts/<cartId>/items Update cart with item details
guest-carts/<cartId> Get information about the cart items
guest-carts/<cartId>/totals Get information about cart totals
Filename Importance
src/actions/cart/asyncActions.js Contains asynchronous functions for cart-related actions such as addItemToCart() and createCart().
src/actions/app/asyncActions.js Contains the toggleDrawer() function

Gathering payment and shipping information

When the shopper clicks on the Checkout button, the beginCheckout() function executes and dispatches the following actions:

  1. actions.begin() - Updates the application’s step state to display the Form component in the shopping cart drawer. This component contains clickable Section components that contain an overview of the shipping address, payment method, and shipping method forms.
  2. getShippingMethods() - Creates a POST request to guest-carts/<cartId>/estimate-shipping-methods to get a list of available shipping methods based on a given address. If an address has not been provided, the ability to choose a shipping method is disabled.

Braintree integration

Venia comes with Braintree integration built into the checkout process. This gives Venia the ability to simulate payment submission using a real payments platform.

See Braintree integration for more information.

Form sections

Clicking on a Section component dispatches actions that update the Form component to show an editable form for shipping address, payment method, or shipping method.

Each form has a Save and Cancel button.

Clicking on the Cancel button on each form dispatches an action that returns the Form component to its order overview state.

On the shipping address form, the Save button calls the submitShippingAddress() function. This function validates the address data before saving locally.

On the payment method form, the Save button calls the submitPaymentMethodAndBillingAddress() function. This function saves the selected payment method and billing address locally.

On the shipping method form, the Save button calls the submitShippingMethod() function. This function saves the selected shipping method locally. It also creates a POST request to the guest-carts/<cartId>/shipping-information REST endpoint to update the shipping method information on the server.

After a form is saved, each of the submit functions dispatches an action that returns the Form component to its order overview state.

REST Endpoint Usage
guest-carts/<cartId>/estimate-shipping-methods Get a list of available shipping methods
directory/countries Get a list of countries and regions
guest-carts/<cartId>/shipping-information Updates the shipping method information on the order
Filename Importance
src/actions/checkout/asyncActions.js Contains asynchronous functions for checkout-related actions such as beginCheckout() and the order form submit methods.
src/reducers/checkout.js Reducer functions for checkout-related actions.
src/actions/cart/asyncActions.js Contains the definition for the getShippingMethods() function.
src/components/Checkout/flow.js Flow component that determines the content of the shopping cart drawer.
src/components/Checkout/form.js Form component which shows the checkout forms or a summary of the checkout information provided by the shopper

Submitting the order

After all the order information forms are filled out and save, the Place Order button becomes active. Clicking on this button executes the submitOrder() function:

  1. The submitOrder() function retrieves the provided order information from local storage and sends that information in a POST request to the guest-carts/<cartId>/payment-information REST endpoint. The rest of the order processing flow is completed on the server.

  2. On a successful request, the server responds with an order ID. The application saves this value in the local storage for use in the receipt phase of the checkout flow.

  3. Next, the application clears everything about the shopping cart in the local storage. This includes the following:

    • Cart ID
    • Address information
    • Payment type information
    • Shipping method information
  4. The last thing the submitOrder() function does is dispatch an action that updates the applications step state to show the Receipt component.

REST Endpoint Usage
guest-carts/<cartId>/payment-information Set the payment information and places the order for a specific cart
Filename Importance
src/actions/checkout/asyncActions.js Contains the submitOrder() asynchronous function
src/components/Checkout/form.js Form component which displays the submit order button

Completing the checkout flow

The final screen in the shopping cart flow is the receipt screen. This screen shows the recently stored order ID number and buttons to Continue Shopping or Create an Account.

Filename Importance
src/components/Checkout/Receipt/receipt.js Receipt component which displays the order submit summary