Gift Options Talons


This talon contains the logic for a gift options component. It performs effects and returns a data object containing values for rendering the component. This talon performs the following effects: - Fetch the gift options associated with the cart - Update the [GiftOptionsTalonProps](#GiftOptionsTalonProps) values with the data returned by the query


GiftOptionsMutations : Object
GraphQL mutations for Gift Options
GiftOptionsQueries : Object
GraphQL query for Gift Options
GiftOptionsTalonProps : Object
Props data to use when rendering a gift options component.

This talon contains the logic for a gift options component. It performs effects and returns a data object containing values for rendering the component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Fetch the gift options associated with the cart
  • Update the GiftOptionsTalonProps values with the data returned by the query

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.mutations GiftOptionsMutations GraphQL mutations for Gift Options
props.queries GiftOptionsQueries GraphQL queries for Gift Options

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useGiftOptions } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/GiftOptions/useGiftOptions';

GraphQL mutations for Gift Options

See: giftOptions.gql.js for the query Venia uses.

Name Type Description
setGiftOptionsMutation GraphQLAST Mutation to use for setting the gift options for the cart

GraphQL query for Gift Options

See: giftOptions.gql.js for the query Venia uses.

Name Type Description
getGiftOptionsQuery GraphQLAST Query to get gift options data

Props data to use when rendering a gift options component.


Name Type Description
cardMessageProps object Props for the cardMessage textarea element.
giftReceiptProps object Props for the includeGiftReceipt checkbox element.
optionsFormProps object Props for the form element.
printedCardProps object Props for the includePrintedCard checkbox element.
shouldPromptForMessage function Determines whether to show the cardMessage textarea element.

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/GiftOptions/useGiftOptions.js



import React from 'react'

import useGiftOptions from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/GiftOptions/useGiftOptions';
import MyGiftOptionsOperations from './myGiftOptions.gql';

const MyGiftOptions = props => {

    const { mutations, queries } = MyGiftOptionsOperations;

    const {
    } = useGiftOptions({ mutations, queries });

    return (
        // JSX that renders a Gift Options component using talon props

export default MyGiftOptions