Environment variable definition API




EnvVarDefinitions : Object
Defines the global settings of the project as a list of typed environment variables. Includes a set of changes made to the environment variables in recent versions, to aid with migration and upgrades. `EnvVarDefinitions` are used by [`loadEnvironment()`](http://pwastudio.io/pwa-buildpack/reference/buildpack-cli/load-env/#loadenvironmentdirorenv-logger) to validate the currently defined values in the environment. `EnvVarDefinitions` are also used by [`createDotEnvFile()`](http://pwastudio.io/pwa-buildpack/reference/buildpack-cli/create-env-file/#createdotenvfiledirectory-options) to generate an extensively commented `.env` file for a project.
EnvVarDefsSection : Object
A list of related definitions concerning a particular functional area. All defined variable names under a particular functional area should have the same prefix, to help namespace and organize configuration. For instance, all variable names in the "Custom local origin" section begin with `CUSTOM_ORIGIN_`.
EnvVarDefinition : Object
A definition of an environment variable that will be used somewhere else in the project, in the backend and/or the frontend. Must define a name, type and description. Optionally, may define a `default` which is set implicitly, an `example` for documentation, and/or an array of `choices` to limit the valid values. The recommended way to access the current environment values in build scripts and interceptors is through the [Configuration](http://pwastudio.io/pwa-buildpack/reference/buildpack-cli/load-env/#configuration-object) object returned by [`loadEnvironment()`](http://pwastudio.io/pwa-buildpack/reference/buildpack-cli/load-env/#loadenvironmentdirorenv-logger). **Note:** Any build environment will have hundreds of environment variables _set_, most of which are unrelated to the build process. Any environment variable during the build is accessible via `process.env` in NodeJS. However, only the variables defined by `EnvVarDefinition` entries will be available in the frontend, via the [Webpack EnvironmentPlugin](https://webpack.js.org/plugins/environment-plugin/).
EnvVarDefsChange : Object
Describes a recent change to a particular environment variable. Can indicate that the environment variable was _removed_ or _renamed_. Change objects can log informative warnings to developers to help with migration. They may also be used to make `loadEnvironment()` support the legacy name of a renamed variable.

Defines the global settings of the project as a list of typed environment variables. Includes a set of changes made to the environment variables in recent versions, to aid with migration and upgrades.

EnvVarDefinitions are used by loadEnvironment() to validate the currently defined values in the environment.

EnvVarDefinitions are also used by createDotEnvFile() to generate an extensively commented .env file for a project.


Name Type Description
sections Array.<EnvVarDefsSection> List of sections, or sub-lists of definitions grouped under a title.
changes Array.<EnvVarDefsChange> List of changes, or objects describing a recent change to a definition.

A list of related definitions concerning a particular functional area.

All defined variable names under a particular functional area should have the same prefix, to help namespace and organize configuration. For instance, all variable names in the “Custom local origin” section begin with CUSTOM_ORIGIN_.


Name Type Description
name String Title of the section, describing the functional area of the included variables.
variables Array.<EnvVarDefinition> List of variable definitions.

A definition of an environment variable that will be used somewhere else in the project, in the backend and/or the frontend.

Must define a name, type and description. Optionally, may define a default which is set implicitly, an example for documentation, and/or an array of choices to limit the valid values.

The recommended way to access the current environment values in build scripts and interceptors is through the Configuration object returned by loadEnvironment().

Note: Any build environment will have hundreds of environment variables set, most of which are unrelated to the build process. Any environment variable during the build is accessible via process.env in NodeJS. However, only the variables defined by EnvVarDefinition entries will be available in the frontend, via the Webpack EnvironmentPlugin.


Name Type Description
name String Name of the environment variable. Must be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE and contain only alphanumeric characters.
type String Type of the environment variable. Can be any type supported by the envalid library.
desc String Human-readable description of what the environment variable does.
[choices] Array An array of acceptable answers. All values in the array must be of the type specified in type.
default String Default value if the variable is not set in the environment.
example String Example value which will be displayed in inline documentation in the .env file.

Describes a recent change to a particular environment variable. Can indicate that the environment variable was removed or renamed. Change objects can log informative warnings to developers to help with migration. They may also be used to make loadEnvironment() support the legacy name of a renamed variable.


Name Type Description
type String removed or renamed
name String Name of the EnvVarDefinition that was recently changed. If the change is a rename, this must be the old variable name.
reason String Reason given for the change. Will be logged as a warning.
dateChanged String | number Date that the change was released, in ISO-8601 format (or any format parseable by JavaScript Date().)
[warnForDays] number Number of days after dateChanged to log a warning if the removed or renamed variable is still set in the environment. Default, and maximum, is 180 days.
[update] String New name of the variable. Required when the change is a rename.
[supportLegacy] boolean If the change is a rename, set this to true to support the old name (while logging a warning). If the old name is set and the new name is not, loadEnvironment will set the new variable name to the value of the old one.

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/pwa-buildpack/lib/Utilities/getEnvVarDefinitions.js