Price Adjustments components


PriceAdjustments is a child component of the CartPage component. It renders the price adjustments forms for applying gift cards, coupons, and the shipping method. All of which can adjust the cart total.
A child component of the PriceAdjustments component. This component renders a form for addingg a coupon code to the cart.
A child component of the PriceAdjustments component. This component displays the form for adding gift options.
A child component of the PriceAdjustments component. This component renders the form for adding the shipping method for the cart.

PriceAdjustments is a child component of the CartPage component. It renders the price adjustments forms for applying gift cards, coupons, and the shipping method. All of which can adjust the cart total.

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.setIsCartUpdating function A callback function for setting the updating state of the cart.
props.classes Object CSS className overrides. See priceAdjustments.module.css for a list of classes you can override.

Example (Importing into your project)

import PriceAdjustments from '@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/CartPage/PriceAdjustments'

A child component of the PriceAdjustments component. This component renders a form for addingg a coupon code to the cart.

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.setIsCartUpdating function Function for setting the updating state for the cart.
props.classes Object CSS className overrides. See couponCode.module.css for a list of classes you can override.

Example (Importing into your project)

import CouponCode from "@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode";

A child component of the PriceAdjustments component. This component displays the form for adding gift options.

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.classes Object CSS className overrides. See giftOptions.module.css for a list of classes you can override.

Example (Importing into your project)

import GiftOptions from "@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/GiftOptions";

A child component of the PriceAdjustments component. This component renders the form for adding the shipping method for the cart.

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.setIsCartUpdating function Function for setting the updating state of the cart.
props.classes Object CSS className overrides. See shippingMethods.module.css for a list of classes you can override.

Example (Importing into your project)

import ShippingMethods from "@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods";

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/venia-ui/lib/components/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/priceAdjustments.js


The Price Adjustments components use the Price Adjustments Talons to perform side effects and calculate the values for rendering the JSX content.