

Props for [Banner](#Banner)

Page Builder Banner component.

This component is part of the Page Builder / PWA integration. It can be consumed without Page Builder.

**Returns: ** React.Element — A React component that displays a Banner.


Name Type Description
props props React component props

Props for Banner


Name Type Description
classes Object An object containing the class names for the banner
classes.root String CSS class for the banner root element String CSS class for the banner link element
classes.wrapper String CSS class for the banner wrapper element
classes.overlay String CSS class for the banner overlay element
classes.content String CSS class for the banner content element
classes.button String CSS class for the banner button wrapping element
classes.buttonHover String CSS class for the banner button wrapping element for hover
classes.posterOverlay String CSS class for the banner poster appearance overlay
classes.collageLeftOverlay String CSS class for the banner collage left appearance overlay
classes.collageCenteredOverlay String CSS class for the banner collage centered appearance overlay
classes.collageRightOverlay String CSS class for the banner collage right appearance overlay
classes.posterOverlayHover String CSS class for the banner poster appearance overlay hover
classes.collageLeftOverlayHover String CSS class for the banner collage left appearance overlay hover
classes.collageCenteredOverlayHover String CSS class for the banner collage centered appearance overlay hover
classes.collageRightOverlayHover String CSS class for the banner collage right appearance overlay hover
classes.poster String CSS class for the banner poster appearance
classes.videoOverlay String CSS class for the video overlay
classes.viewportElement String CSS class for viewport element
minHeight String CSS minimum height property
backgroundColor String CSS background-color property
desktopImage String Background image URL to be displayed on desktop devices
mobileImage String Background image URL to be displayed on mobile devices
backgroundSize String CSS background-size property
backgroundPosition String CSS background-position property
backgroundAttachment String CSS background-attachment property
backgroundRepeat String CSS background-repeat property
content String The HTML content to be rendered inside the banner content area
link String The link location for the banner
linkType String The type of link included with the banner. Values: default, product, category, page
showButton String Whether or not to show the button. Values: always, hover, never
buttonText String Text to display within the button
buttonType String The type of button to display. Values: primary, secondary, link
showOverlay String Whether or not to show the overlay. Values: always, hover, never
overlayColor String The color of the overlay
textAlign String Alignment of the banner within the parent container
border String CSS border property
borderColor String CSS border color property
borderWidth String CSS border width property
borderRadius String CSS border radius property
marginTop String CSS margin top property
marginRight String CSS margin right property
marginBottom String CSS margin bottom property
marginLeft String CSS margin left property
paddingTop String CSS padding top property
paddingRight String CSS padding right property
paddingBottom String CSS padding bottom property
paddingLeft String CSS padding left property
cssClasses Array List of CSS classes to be applied to the component
backgroundType String Background type
videoSrc String URL to the video
videoFallbackSrc String URL to the image which will be displayed before video
videoLoop Boolean Play video in loop
videoPlayOnlyVisible Boolean Play video when it is visible
videoLazyLoading Boolean Load video when it is visible
videoOverlayColor String Color for video overlay
getParallax function Return parallax element and options

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/pagebuilder/lib/ContentTypes/Banner/banner.js