

Props for [Image](#Image)

Page Builder Image component.

This component is part of the Page Builder / PWA integration. It can be consumed without Page Builder.

**Returns: ** React.Element — A React component that displays an Image.


Name Type Description
props props React component props

Props for Image


Name Type Description
classes Object An object containing the class names for the Image
classes.img String CSS classes for the img element
desktopImage String URL src of the desktop image
mobileImage String URL src of the mobile image
altText String Alternate text
title String Title of the image
link String URL to redirect to
linkType String Type of link
openInNewTab bool Flag to indicate if link should be opened in a new tab
caption String Caption for the image
textAlign String Alignment of the divider within the parent container
border String CSS border property
borderColor String CSS border color property
borderWidth String CSS border width property
borderRadius String CSS border radius property
marginTop String CSS margin top property
marginRight String CSS margin right property
marginBottom String CSS margin bottom property
marginLeft String CSS margin left property
paddingTop String CSS padding top property
paddingRight String CSS padding right property
paddingBottom String CSS padding bottom property
paddingLeft String CSS padding left property
cssClasses Array List of CSS classes to be applied to the component

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/pagebuilder/lib/ContentTypes/Image/image.js