

restoreSortOrder(urlKeys, products)Array
Sort products based on the original order


Props for [Products](#Products)

Page Builder Products component.

This component is part of the Page Builder / PWA integration. It can be consumed without Page Builder.

**Returns: ** React.Element — A React component that displays a Products based on a number of products


Name Type Description
props props React component props

Sort products based on the original order

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type
urlKeys Array
products Array

Props for Products


Name Type Description
classes Object An object containing the class names for the Products
classes.root String CSS class for products
classes.carousel String CSS class for products carousel appearance
classes.centerMode String CSS class for products carousel appearance with center mode
classes.centerModeSmall String CSS class for products carousel appearance with center mode on small screen
classes.galleryItems String CSS class to modify child gallery items
classes.error String CSS class for displaying fetch errors
appearance String Sets products appearance
autoplay Boolean Whether the carousel should autoplay
autoplaySpeed Number The speed at which the autoplay should move the slide on
infinite Boolean Whether to infinitely scroll the carousel
arrows Boolean Whether to show arrows on the slide for navigation
dots Boolean Whether to show navigation dots at the bottom of the carousel
draggable Boolean Enable scrollable via dragging on desktop
carouselMode String Carousel mode
centerPadding String Horizontal padding in centerMode
pathNames Array List of Url path names to load into product list
textAlign String Alignment of content within the products list
border String CSS border property
borderColor String CSS border color property
borderWidth String CSS border width property
borderRadius String CSS border radius property
marginTop String CSS margin top property
marginRight String CSS margin right property
marginBottom String CSS margin bottom property
marginLeft String CSS margin left property
paddingTop String CSS padding top property
paddingRight String CSS padding right property
paddingBottom String CSS padding bottom property
paddingLeft String CSS padding left property
cssClasses Array List of CSS classes to be applied to the component
slidesToShow Number # of slides to show at a time
slidesToShowMedium Number # of slides to show at a time on medium sized screens
slidesToShowSmall Number # of slides to show at a time on small screen
slidesToShowSmallCenterMode Number # of slides to show at a time on small screen in centerMode

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/pagebuilder/lib/ContentTypes/Products/products.js