Price Adjustments Talons

These talons provide logic for components that may adjust the total price in a shopping cart.


This talon contains the logic for a coupon code form component. It performs effects and returns props data for rendering the component. This talon performs the following effects: - Fetch all coupons associated with the cart - Manage the updating state of the cart while a coupon is being applied or removed
Contains logic for a shipping form component. It performs effects and returns props data related to rendering a shipping address form. This talon performs the following effects: - Manage the updating state of the cart while the mutation for setting the shipping address is in flight
Contains logic for a shipping method selector component. It performs effect and returns props data used to render that component. This talon performs the following effects: - Set the shipping form visibility value based on the shipping methods associated with the cart
Contains logic for a component that renders a radio selector for shipping. It performs effects and returns props data used for rendering that component. This talon performs the following effects: - Sets the value of the shipping method to a default value if there is no current method selected - Manage the updating state of the cart while a shipping method is being applied


CouponCodeMutations : Object
GraphQL mutations for a cart's coupon code. This is a type used by the [useCouponCode](#useCouponCode) talon.
CouponCodeQueries : Object
GraphQL queries for a cart's coupon code. This is a type used by the [useCouponCode](#useCouponCode) talon.
CouponCodeTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useCouponCode](#useCouponCode) talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a coupon code component.
SelectShippingFields : Object
Values for the select input fields on the shipping form. This is a prop used by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon.
ShippingFormMutations : Object
GraphQL mutations for the shipping form. This is a type used by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon.
ShippingFormQueries : Object
GraphQL queries for the shipping form. This is a type used by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon.
ShippingFormTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a shipping form component.
ShippingMethodsQueries : Object
GraphQL queries for shipping methods. This is a type used in the [useShippingMethods](#useShippingMethods) talon.
ShippingMethodsTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useShippingMethods](#useShippingMethods) talon. It provides prop data to use when rendering shipping methods.
ShippingRadiosMutations : Object
GraphQL mutations for a shipping radio selector component. This is a type used by the [useShippingRadios](#useShippingRadios) talon.
ShippingRadiosTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useShippingRadios](#useShippingRadios) talon. It provides data to use when rendering a radio selector for shipping methods.

This talon contains the logic for a coupon code form component. It performs effects and returns props data for rendering the component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Fetch all coupons associated with the cart
  • Manage the updating state of the cart while a coupon is being applied or removed

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.setIsCartUpdating function Callback function for setting the update state for the cart.
props.mutations CouponCodeMutations GraphQL mutations for a cart’s coupon code.
props.queries CouponCodeQueries GraphQL queries for a cart’s coupon code.

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useCouponCode } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode/useCouponCode';

Contains logic for a shipping form component. It performs effects and returns props data related to rendering a shipping address form.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Manage the updating state of the cart while the mutation for setting the shipping address is in flight

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.selectedValues SelectShippingFields The values from the select input fields in the shipping form
props.setIsCartUpdating function Callback function for setting the update state for the cart.
props.mutations ShippingFormMutations GraphQL mutations for the shipping form.
props.queries ShippingFormQueries GraphQL queries for the shipping form.

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useShippingForm } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingForm';

Contains logic for a shipping method selector component. It performs effect and returns props data used to render that component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Set the shipping form visibility value based on the shipping methods associated with the cart

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.queries ShippingMethodsQueries GraphQL queries for shipping methods

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useShippingMethods } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingMethods';

Contains logic for a component that renders a radio selector for shipping. It performs effects and returns props data used for rendering that component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Sets the value of the shipping method to a default value if there is no current method selected
  • Manage the updating state of the cart while a shipping method is being applied

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.setIsCartUpdating function Function for setting the updating state of the shopping cart
props.selectedShippingMethod String A serialized string of ${carrier-code}|${method-code}, eg. usps|priority.
props.shippingMethods Array.<Object> An array of available shipping methods
props.mutations ShippingRadiosMutations GraphQL mutations for a shipping radio selector component.

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useShippingRadios } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingRadios';

GraphQL mutations for a cart’s coupon code. This is a type used by the useCouponCode talon.

See: CouponCode.js for the queries used Venia

Name Type Description
applyCouponMutation GraphQLAST Mutation for applying a coupon code to a cart.
removeCouponMutation GraphQLAST Mutation for removing a coupon code from a cart.

GraphQL queries for a cart’s coupon code. This is a type used by the useCouponCode talon.

See: CouponCode.js for the queries used Venia

Name Type Description
getAppliedCouponsQuery GraphQLAST Query to fetch the currently applied coupons for a cart.

Object type returned by the useCouponCode talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a coupon code component.


Name Type Description
applyingCoupon boolean True if a coupon is currently being applied. False otherwise.
data Object Data returned from the getAppliedCouponsQuery.
errorMessage String If GraphQL error occurs, this value is set.
fetchError Object The error data object returned by a GraphQL query.
handleApplyCoupon function Function to call for handling the application of a coupon code to a cart.
handleRemoveCoupon function Function to call for handling the removal of a coupon code from a cart
removingCoupon boolean True if a coupon code is currently being removed. False otherwise.

Values for the select input fields on the shipping form. This is a prop used by the useShippingForm talon.


Name Type Description
country String Country shipping destination
region String Country’s region shipping destination
zip String Country’s zip code shipping destination

GraphQL mutations for the shipping form. This is a type used by the useShippingForm talon.

See: shippingForm.js for the query used in Venia

Name Type Description
setShippingAddressMutation GraphQLAST Mutation for setting the shipping address on a cart

GraphQL queries for the shipping form. This is a type used by the useShippingForm talon.

See: shippingMethods.gql.js for the query used in Venia

Name Type Description
shippingMethodsQuery GraphQLAST Query for getting data about available shipping methods

Object type returned by the useShippingForm talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a shipping form component.


Name Type Description
formErrors Array.<Error> A list of form errors
handleOnSubmit function Callback function to handle form submissions
handleZipChange function Callback function to handle a zip code change
isSetShippingLoading boolean True if the cart shipping information is being set. False otherwise.

GraphQL queries for shipping methods. This is a type used in the useShippingMethods talon.

See: shippingMethods.gql.js for the queries used in Venia

Name Type Description
getShippingMethodsQuery GraphQLAST Query to get the available shipping methods.

Object type returned by the useShippingMethods talon. It provides prop data to use when rendering shipping methods.


Name Type Description
hasMethods number Provides the number of shipping methods available. Can be used as a boolean value since having no shipping methods would return 0.
isShowingForm boolean True if the form should be shown. False otherwise.
selectedShippingFields SelectShippingFields Values for the select input fields on the shipping form
selectedShippingMethod String A serialized string of ${carrier-code}|${method-code}, eg. usps|priority.
shippingMethods Array.<Object> A list of available shipping methods based on the primary shipping address
showForm function A function that sets the isShowingForm value to true.

GraphQL mutations for a shipping radio selector component. This is a type used by the useShippingRadios talon.


Name Type Description
setShippingMethodMutation GraphQLAST Mutation for setting the shipping method on a cart.

Object type returned by the useShippingRadios talon. It provides data to use when rendering a radio selector for shipping methods.


Name Type Description
formattedShippingMethods Object Shipping method data that has been formatted.
handleShippingSelection function Callback function for handling shipping selection form updates.

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode/useCouponCode.js



import React from 'react'

import { useCouponCode } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode/useCouponCode';

import {
} from './myCouponCodeQueries'

const MyCouponCode = props => {

    const talonProps = useCouponCode({
        setIsCartUpdating: props.setIsCartUpdating,
        mutations: {
            applyCouponMutation: APPLY_COUPON_MUTATION,
            removeCouponMutation: REMOVE_COUPON_MUTATION
        queries: {
            getAppliedCouponsQuery: GET_APPLIED_COUPONS

    const {
    } = talonProps;

    if (!data) {
        return null;

    if (fetchError) {
        return 'Something went wrong. Refresh and try again.';

    return (
        // JSX for rendering a Coupon Code form and applied codes using props from the talon

export default MyCouponCode

Shipping Methods

import React from 'react';
import { useShippingMethods } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingMethods';
import { useShippingForm } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingForm';
import { useShippingRadios } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingRadios';


const MyShippingMethods = props => {
    const { setIsCartUpdating } = props;

    const shippingMethodsProps = useShippingMethods({
        queries: GET_SHIPPING_METHODS

    const {
    } = shippingMethodsProps;

    const shippingFormProps = useShippingForm({
        selectedValues: selectedShippingFields,
        mutations: {
            setShippingAddressMutation: SET_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_MUTATION
        queries: {
            shippingMethodsQuery: GET_SHIPPING_METHODS

    const {
    } = shippingFormProps;

    const shippingRadioProps = useShippingRadios({
        mutations: {
            setShippingMethodMutation: SET_SHIPPING_METHOD_MUTATION

    const {
    } = shippingRadioProps;

    return (
        // JSX for rendering shipping methods form using props from the shipping methods talons

export default MyShippingMethods