Price Adjustments Talons
These talons provide logic for components that may adjust the total price in a shopping cart.
- useCouponCode(props) ⇒
CouponCodeTalonProps - This talon contains the logic for a coupon code form component. It performs effects and returns props data for rendering the component. This talon performs the following effects: - Fetch all coupons associated with the cart - Manage the updating state of the cart while a coupon is being applied or removed
- useShippingForm(props) ⇒
ShippingFormTalonProps - Contains logic for a shipping form component. It performs effects and returns props data related to rendering a shipping address form. This talon performs the following effects: - Manage the updating state of the cart while the mutation for setting the shipping address is in flight
- useShippingMethods(props) ⇒
ShippingMethodsTalonProps - Contains logic for a shipping method selector component. It performs effect and returns props data used to render that component. This talon performs the following effects: - Set the shipping form visibility value based on the shipping methods associated with the cart
- useShippingRadios(props) ⇒
ShippingRadiosTalonProps - Contains logic for a component that renders a radio selector for shipping. It performs effects and returns props data used for rendering that component. This talon performs the following effects: - Sets the value of the shipping method to a default value if there is no current method selected - Manage the updating state of the cart while a shipping method is being applied
- CouponCodeMutations :
Object - GraphQL mutations for a cart's coupon code. This is a type used by the [useCouponCode](#useCouponCode) talon.
- CouponCodeQueries :
Object - GraphQL queries for a cart's coupon code. This is a type used by the [useCouponCode](#useCouponCode) talon.
- CouponCodeTalonProps :
Object - Object type returned by the [useCouponCode](#useCouponCode) talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a coupon code component.
- SelectShippingFields :
Object - Values for the select input fields on the shipping form. This is a prop used by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon.
- ShippingFormMutations :
Object - GraphQL mutations for the shipping form. This is a type used by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon.
- ShippingFormQueries :
Object - GraphQL queries for the shipping form. This is a type used by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon.
- ShippingFormTalonProps :
Object - Object type returned by the [useShippingForm](#useShippingForm) talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a shipping form component.
- ShippingMethodsQueries :
Object - GraphQL queries for shipping methods. This is a type used in the [useShippingMethods](#useShippingMethods) talon.
- ShippingMethodsTalonProps :
Object - Object type returned by the [useShippingMethods](#useShippingMethods) talon. It provides prop data to use when rendering shipping methods.
- ShippingRadiosMutations :
Object - GraphQL mutations for a shipping radio selector component. This is a type used by the [useShippingRadios](#useShippingRadios) talon.
- ShippingRadiosTalonProps :
Object - Object type returned by the [useShippingRadios](#useShippingRadios) talon. It provides data to use when rendering a radio selector for shipping methods.
This talon contains the logic for a coupon code form component. It performs effects and returns props data for rendering the component.
This talon performs the following effects:
- Fetch all coupons associated with the cart
- Manage the updating state of the cart while a coupon is being applied or removed
Returns: ** **Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
props | Object |
props.setIsCartUpdating | function |
Callback function for setting the update state for the cart. |
props.mutations | CouponCodeMutations |
GraphQL mutations for a cart’s coupon code. |
props.queries | CouponCodeQueries |
GraphQL queries for a cart’s coupon code. |
Example (Importing into your project)
import { useCouponCode } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode/useCouponCode';
Contains logic for a shipping form component. It performs effects and returns props data related to rendering a shipping address form.
This talon performs the following effects:
- Manage the updating state of the cart while the mutation for setting the shipping address is in flight
Returns: ** **Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
props | Object |
props.selectedValues | SelectShippingFields |
The values from the select input fields in the shipping form |
props.setIsCartUpdating | function |
Callback function for setting the update state for the cart. |
props.mutations | ShippingFormMutations |
GraphQL mutations for the shipping form. |
props.queries | ShippingFormQueries |
GraphQL queries for the shipping form. |
Example (Importing into your project)
import { useShippingForm } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingForm';
Contains logic for a shipping method selector component. It performs effect and returns props data used to render that component.
This talon performs the following effects:
- Set the shipping form visibility value based on the shipping methods associated with the cart
Returns: ** **Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
props | Object |
props.queries | ShippingMethodsQueries |
GraphQL queries for shipping methods |
Example (Importing into your project)
import { useShippingMethods } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingMethods';
Contains logic for a component that renders a radio selector for shipping. It performs effects and returns props data used for rendering that component.
This talon performs the following effects:
- Sets the value of the shipping method to a default value if there is no current method selected
- Manage the updating state of the cart while a shipping method is being applied
Returns: ** **Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
props | Object |
props.setIsCartUpdating | function |
Function for setting the updating state of the shopping cart |
props.selectedShippingMethod | String |
A serialized string of |
props.shippingMethods | Array.<Object> |
An array of available shipping methods |
props.mutations | ShippingRadiosMutations |
GraphQL mutations for a shipping radio selector component. |
Example (Importing into your project)
import { useShippingRadios } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingRadios';
GraphQL mutations for a cart’s coupon code. This is a type used by the useCouponCode talon.
See: CouponCode.js
for the queries used Venia
Name | Type | Description |
applyCouponMutation | GraphQLAST |
Mutation for applying a coupon code to a cart. |
removeCouponMutation | GraphQLAST |
Mutation for removing a coupon code from a cart. |
GraphQL queries for a cart’s coupon code. This is a type used by the useCouponCode talon.
See: CouponCode.js
for the queries used Venia
Name | Type | Description |
getAppliedCouponsQuery | GraphQLAST |
Query to fetch the currently applied coupons for a cart. |
Object type returned by the useCouponCode talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a coupon code component.
Name | Type | Description |
applyingCoupon | boolean |
True if a coupon is currently being applied. False otherwise. |
data | Object |
Data returned from the getAppliedCouponsQuery . |
errorMessage | String |
If GraphQL error occurs, this value is set. |
fetchError | Object |
The error data object returned by a GraphQL query. |
handleApplyCoupon | function |
Function to call for handling the application of a coupon code to a cart. |
handleRemoveCoupon | function |
Function to call for handling the removal of a coupon code from a cart |
removingCoupon | boolean |
True if a coupon code is currently being removed. False otherwise. |
Values for the select input fields on the shipping form. This is a prop used by the useShippingForm talon.
Name | Type | Description |
country | String |
Country shipping destination |
region | String |
Country’s region shipping destination |
zip | String |
Country’s zip code shipping destination |
GraphQL mutations for the shipping form. This is a type used by the useShippingForm talon.
See: shippingForm.js
for the query used in Venia
Name | Type | Description |
setShippingAddressMutation | GraphQLAST |
Mutation for setting the shipping address on a cart |
GraphQL queries for the shipping form. This is a type used by the useShippingForm talon.
See: shippingMethods.gql.js
for the query used in Venia
Name | Type | Description |
shippingMethodsQuery | GraphQLAST |
Query for getting data about available shipping methods |
Object type returned by the useShippingForm talon. It provides props data to use when rendering a shipping form component.
Name | Type | Description |
formErrors | Array.<Error> |
A list of form errors |
handleOnSubmit | function |
Callback function to handle form submissions |
handleZipChange | function |
Callback function to handle a zip code change |
isSetShippingLoading | boolean |
True if the cart shipping information is being set. False otherwise. |
GraphQL queries for shipping methods. This is a type used in the useShippingMethods talon.
See: shippingMethods.gql.js
for the queries used in Venia
Name | Type | Description |
getShippingMethodsQuery | GraphQLAST |
Query to get the available shipping methods. |
Object type returned by the useShippingMethods talon. It provides prop data to use when rendering shipping methods.
Name | Type | Description |
hasMethods | number |
Provides the number of shipping methods available. Can be used as a boolean value since having no shipping methods would return 0. |
isShowingForm | boolean |
True if the form should be shown. False otherwise. |
selectedShippingFields | SelectShippingFields |
Values for the select input fields on the shipping form |
selectedShippingMethod | String |
A serialized string of |
shippingMethods | Array.<Object> |
A list of available shipping methods based on the primary shipping address |
showForm | function |
A function that sets the isShowingForm value to true. |
GraphQL mutations for a shipping radio selector component. This is a type used by the useShippingRadios talon.
Name | Type | Description |
setShippingMethodMutation | GraphQLAST |
Mutation for setting the shipping method on a cart. |
Object type returned by the useShippingRadios talon. It provides data to use when rendering a radio selector for shipping methods.
Name | Type | Description |
formattedShippingMethods | Object |
Shipping method data that has been formatted. |
handleShippingSelection | function |
Callback function for handling shipping selection form updates. |
Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode/useCouponCode.js
import React from 'react'
import { useCouponCode } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/CouponCode/useCouponCode';
import {
} from './myCouponCodeQueries'
const MyCouponCode = props => {
const talonProps = useCouponCode({
setIsCartUpdating: props.setIsCartUpdating,
mutations: {
applyCouponMutation: APPLY_COUPON_MUTATION,
removeCouponMutation: REMOVE_COUPON_MUTATION
queries: {
getAppliedCouponsQuery: GET_APPLIED_COUPONS
const {
} = talonProps;
if (!data) {
return null;
if (fetchError) {
return 'Something went wrong. Refresh and try again.';
return (
// JSX for rendering a Coupon Code form and applied codes using props from the talon
export default MyCouponCode
Shipping Methods
import React from 'react';
import { useShippingMethods } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingMethods';
import { useShippingForm } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingForm';
import { useShippingRadios } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/PriceAdjustments/ShippingMethods/useShippingRadios';
const MyShippingMethods = props => {
const { setIsCartUpdating } = props;
const shippingMethodsProps = useShippingMethods({
const {
} = shippingMethodsProps;
const shippingFormProps = useShippingForm({
selectedValues: selectedShippingFields,
mutations: {
queries: {
shippingMethodsQuery: GET_SHIPPING_METHODS
const {
} = shippingFormProps;
const shippingRadioProps = useShippingRadios({
mutations: {
const {
} = shippingRadioProps;
return (
// JSX for rendering shipping methods form using props from the shipping methods talons
export default MyShippingMethods