Product Listing Talons

These talons provide logic for components that render products in a shopping cart and forms that update the quantity or configuration for each product.


This talon contains logic for a component that renders a list of products for a cart. It performs effects and returns prop data to render the component on a cart page. This talon performs the following effects: - Fetch product listing data associated with the cart - Log any GraphQL errors to the console
This talon contains logic for a product component used in a product listing component. It performs effects and returns prop data for that component. This talon performs the following effects: - Manage the updating state of the cart while a product is being updated or removed
This talon contains logic for a product quantity UI component. It performs effects and returns prop data for rendering a component that lets you modify the quantity of a cart item. This talon performs the following effects: - Updates the state of the quantity field when the initial value changes
This talon contains logic for a product edit modal used on a cart page. It returns prop data for rendering an interactive modal component.
This talon contains logic for a product edit form. It performs effects and returns data for rendering the component inside a modal container. This talon performs the following effects: - Manage the updating state of the cart while form data is being saved - Set the variant price on a product depending on the product's options


ProductListingQueries : Object
GraphQL queries for getting product listing data. This is a type used in the [useProductListing](#useProductListing) talon.
ProductListingTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useProductListing](#useProductListing) talon. It provides props data for a component that renders a product list.
ProductMutations : Object
GraphQL mutations for a product in a cart. This is a type used by the [useProduct](#useProduct) talon.
ProductTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useProduct](#useProduct) talon. It provides prop data for rendering a product component on a cart page.
ProductItem : Object
Data about a product item in the cart. This type is used in the [ProductTalonProps](#ProductTalonProps) type returned by the [useProduct](#useProduct) talon.
QuantityTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useQuantity](#useQuantity) talon. It provides props data for a quantity UI component.
EditModalTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useEditModal](#useEditModal) talon. It provides props data for rendering an edit modal component.
ProductFormTalonProps : Object
Object type returned by the [useProductForm](#useProductForm) talon. It provides props data for a product form UI component inside a modal.

This talon contains logic for a component that renders a list of products for a cart. It performs effects and returns prop data to render the component on a cart page.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Fetch product listing data associated with the cart
  • Log any GraphQL errors to the console

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.queries ProductListingQueries GraphQL queries for getting product listing data.

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useProductListing } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/useProductListing';

This talon contains logic for a product component used in a product listing component. It performs effects and returns prop data for that component.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Manage the updating state of the cart while a product is being updated or removed

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.item ProductItem Product item data
props.operations ProductMutations GraphQL mutations for a product in a cart
props.setActiveEditItem function Function for setting the actively editing item
props.setIsCartUpdating function Function for setting the updating state of the cart

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useProduct } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/useProduct';

This talon contains logic for a product quantity UI component. It performs effects and returns prop data for rendering a component that lets you modify the quantity of a cart item.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Updates the state of the quantity field when the initial value changes

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.initialValue number the initial quantity value
props.min number the minimum allowed quantity value
props.onChange function change handler to invoke when quantity value changes

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useQuantity } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/useQuantity';

This talon contains logic for a product edit modal used on a cart page. It returns prop data for rendering an interactive modal component.

Returns: ** **Example (Importing into your project)

import { useEditModal } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/EditModal/useEditModal';

This talon contains logic for a product edit form. It performs effects and returns data for rendering the component inside a modal container.

This talon performs the following effects:

  • Manage the updating state of the cart while form data is being saved
  • Set the variant price on a product depending on the product’s options

Returns: ** **Parameters

Name Type Description
props Object  
props.cartItem Object The cart item to configure on the form
props.getConfigurableOptionsQuery GraphQLAST GraphQL query to get the configurable options for a product.
props.setIsCartUpdating function Function for setting the updating state for the shopping cart.
props.setVariantPrice function Function for setting the variant price on a product.
props.updateConfigurableOptionsMutation GraphQLAST GraphQL mutation for updating the configurable options for a product.
props.updateQuantityMutation GraphQLAST GraphQL mutation for updating the quantity of a product in a cart.
props.setActiveEditItem function Function for setting the actively editing item.

Example (Importing into your project)

import { useProductForm } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/EditModal/useProductForm';

GraphQL queries for getting product listing data. This is a type used in the useProductListing talon.

See: productListingFragments.js for the queries used in Venia

Name Type Description
getProductListingQuery GraphQLDocument Query to get the product list for a cart

Object type returned by the useProductListing talon. It provides props data for a component that renders a product list.


Name Type Description
activeEditItem Object The product item currently being edited
isLoading boolean True if the query to get the product listing is still in progress. False otherwise.
error Error | null An array of graphql errors
items Array.<Object> A list of products in a cart
setActiveEditItem function Function for setting the current item to edit

GraphQL mutations for a product in a cart. This is a type used by the useProduct talon.

See: product.js to see the mutations used in Venia

Name Type Description
removeItemMutation GraphQLDocument Mutation for removing an item in a cart
updateItemQuantityMutation GraphQLDocument Mutation for updating the item quantity in a cart

Object type returned by the useProduct talon. It provides prop data for rendering a product component on a cart page.


Name Type Description
errorMessage String Error message from an operation perfored on a cart product.
handleEditItem function Function to use for handling when a product is modified.
handleRemoveFromCart function Function to use for handling the removal of a cart product.
handleUpdateItemQuantity function Function to use for handling updates to the product quantity in a cart.
isEditable boolean True if a cart product is editable. False otherwise.
product ProductItem Cart product data

Data about a product item in the cart. This type is used in the ProductTalonProps type returned by the useProduct talon.


Name Type Description
currency String The currency associated with the cart product
image String The url for the cart product image
name String The name of the product
options Array.<Object> A list of configurable option objects
quantity number The quantity associated with the cart product
unitPrice number The product’s unit price
urlKey String The product’s url key
urlSuffix String The product’s url suffix

Object type returned by the useQuantity talon. It provides props data for a quantity UI component.


Name Type Description
isDecrementDisabled boolean True if decrementing should be disabled
isIncrementDisabled boolean True if incrementing should be disabled
handleBlur function Callback function for handling a blur event on a component
handleDecrement function Callback function for handling a quantity decrement event
handleIncrement function Callback function for handling an increment event
maskInput function Function for masking a value when decimal values are allowed

Object type returned by the useEditModal talon. It provides props data for rendering an edit modal component.


Name Type Description
setVariantPrice function Function for setting a product’s variant price.
variantPrice Object The variant price for a product. See Money object.

Object type returned by the useProductForm talon. It provides props data for a product form UI component inside a modal.


Name Type Description
configItem Object Cart item to configure
errors Array.<Error> An array of form errors resulting from a configuration or quantity value
handleOptionSelection function A callback function handling an option selection event
handleSubmit function A callback function for handling form submission
isLoading boolean True if the form is loading data. False otherwise.
isSaving boolean True if the form is saving data. False otherwise.
isDialogOpen boolean True if the form is visible. False otherwise.
handleClose function A callback function for handling form closing

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/useProductListing.js



import React from 'react';
import { useProductListing } from '@magento/peregrine/lib/talons/CartPage/ProductListing/useProductListing';

import { GET_PRODUCT_LISTING } from './myProductListing.gql';

const MyProductListing = props => {
    const { setIsCartUpdating } = props;

    const talonProps = useProductListing({
        queries: {
            getProductListing: GET_PRODUCT_LISTING
    const { activeEditItem, isLoading, items, setActiveEditItem } = talonProps;

    if (isLoading) {
        return <div>Loading...</div>;

    return (
        // JSX that renders the list of products in a cart using the talon props

export default MyProductListing;